Truly You, Truly You, Truly You, ...
October 2001 – December 2002
Tweede Natuur, Halle – Antwerp, Lia Schelkens
yew tree, wood, sand and gravel, 4.5 x 3 x 3 m
A round yew tree, approximately 2.5 metres in diameter, has been planted in a clearing measuring 29 by 37 metres. The yew is surrounded by a white wooden structure measuring 4.5 by 3 metres, which places the shrub at the centre of the composition.
On one side of the structure there is a small vertical opening (4.5 x 0.46m), which raises questions about the accessibility of the enclosed area. The dark green of the yew and the uniform blue hovering above it are framed by the white structure.
In order to create a tangible, physical experience, the visitor comes face to face with the shrub as he enters, and almost has to touch it, as there is only a minimal distance between the shrub and the wooden walls.
The floor is covered with a mixture of sand and gravel, leaving visible footprints as a trace of human presence. The high walls, painted a shade of blue on the inside, draw the eye upwards in an attempt to mimic the sky. However, the opaque blue interior can never quite match the transparency of the sky, creating an interesting tension between the two shades of blue.
The installation incorporates a recurring colour palette of green and blue, with the shrub representing green and the walls blue. These colours are echoed in the surrounding green fir trees and the blue of the sky. They emphasise the contrast between the isolated landscape within the construction and the expanse of nature outside, where the striking white, upright walls make a strong visual statement.
Technical direction by André Dockx & Sons and Karel Van De Peer, with additional support from Hans Thielman
Photography by Hans Thielman and Lia Schelkens