November 1998 – March 2000
RHoK, Brussels
organic material, 4.5 x 5 m
In a garden in the middle of the city, I transformed a 22 square metre patch of lawn into a compositional surface. Within this defined area, I cultivated a variety of flowers and vegetables to study their unique characteristics and observe their growth process. I selected flowers for their colours and vegetables for their shapes.
Assisted by Jos De Gruyter
With thanks to Marc Vanderleenen and RHoK Academy
August 1999 – May 2000, colour photos, 13 x 18 cm
Flowers and Vegetables
a series of flowers and vegetables (70)
The Last
a series of (15 and 7) photos of fennel roots and cabbages
a series of (21) photos of what is left of the garden: sprouting grass and bare patches of ground
Reflections on a Garden
Contribution to the literary magazine, ‘De Brakke Hond’, Antwerp, Spring 2000, Issue 66, final editing by Carine Deceulaer
translated by Stefan Maenen, final editing by Marleen Pas